Level 5 Specialist Teaching Assistant

The new level five STA award, recently launched, offers teaching assistants a further opportunity for professional development with access to the apprenticeship levy. In order to support this initiative, HNAP, the HLTA National Assessment Partnership (HNAP) has developed an assessment only route to the award of HLTA status.

On completion of the apprenticeship award candidates are invited to contact HNAP and request an assessment for a reduced fee of £350; there will be no requirement to undertake a preparation route or to complete any additional written work. The process will involve a review of the work completed during the apprenticeship, cross referencing this to the HLTA standards, and a discussion with the candidate and a nominated member of the SLT to follow up specific standards as well as the candidate’s ability to advance learning when working with whole classes without the designated teacher present in order to maintain the rigour of the process and the reputation of the status.


After contacting HNAP candidates will be asked to submit:

  • A registration form, confirming, that as part of the apprenticeship programme, they have, within the previous 12 months, experience of advancing learning of individuals and small groups within a teaching and learning context and they have taught whole classes and advanced the learning of the class when a teacher is not present
  • Their portfolio of evidence, completed as part of the apprenticeship
  • The gateway feedback report provided by their end point assessment organisation

After a review of the submitted evidence, an assessor will contact the candidate to arrange a short professional conversation between themselves and a member of SLT, who is able to talk about the candidate’s role and experience and  confirm they are able to advance learning within a given teaching and learning context as outlined above. This discussion will confirm the candidate’s ability to contribute to the planning, delivery and assessment of learning activities with individuals, groups and whole classes. They will be asked to discuss how the candidate manages these activities to ensure all pupils are able to access the learning and make appropriate progress. As with all HLTA assessments the size and make up of a whole class will be determined by the context in which candidates work, and is defined by what would normally be assigned to a teacher if they were timetabled for that lesson.

Training organisations are aware of the requirements for HLTA and will offer advice to candidates as they undertake the apprenticeship programme to ensure that they are gaining the required experience.

Any training providers wishing to find out more information about the status and it’s requirements please contact Judith Robson (Programme Manager at HLTA Northumbria) judith.robson@northumbria.ac.uk